Rickipedia: The Mummy Wiki
I think perhaps we should let the diggers open it, hmm?

Allen Chamberlain to the American treasure seekers., The Mummy


A fellahin digger eaten by swarms of scarabs.

Fellahin diggers 2
Fellahin diggers

Fellahin, known commonly as native diggers, are native people of Egypt.

Culture and equipment[]

Fellahin worker men were often hired by archaeologists and Egyptologists to dig through the sands of ancient ruins, seeking out artifacts. Fellahin could be hired in droves, with one notable group working in Hamunaptra being one hundred men strong. Though the workers took direction from their employers, they often spoke only their own native language and did not understand English. The fellahin were often superstitious and could be cowed into taking orders under threats of invoked curses.

The diggers would often use such tools as pickaxes, crowbars, shovels and spades.

